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The History of Crystals: Ancient and Modern Uses

October 25, 2023 4 min read

The History of Crystals: Ancient and Modern Uses

Crystals have, for centuries, possessed something of a magnetic charm, similar to that of real diamonds or pure gold. From the ornate embellishments of Swarovski to the simpler, yet equally beautiful stones found in nature, crystals have a rich and varied history - but what have crystals been used for, both historically and in the contemporary world? In the following blog, we're going to take a look into the world of ornamental crystals, and their purpose both past and present. Let’s dive in!


Swarovski Crystals

When discussing ornamental crystals, it's impossible not to begin with Swarovski crystals. Founded in 1895 by Daniel Swarovski in Wattens, Austria, Swarovski transformed the jewellery and fashion industry with its precision-cut glass crystals. These crystals, known for their impeccable brilliance and quality, quickly became synonymous with elegance and luxury, while quipped as the “affordable diamond”.

In the early 20th century, the popularity of Swarovski crystals soared, with fashion designers and Hollywood celebrities incorporating them into their couture and accessories. These crystals brought a touch of glamour and extravagance to the big screen and the global fashion stage, solidifying their position as the gold standard in the world of ornamental crystals.

But Swarovski's innovative approach did not stop at jewellery; over the years, they expanded into various sectors, including home decor, optics, and even the entertainment industry, and remain a powerhouse in these industries to this day.


Ornamental Crystals: Beyond Swarovski

While Swarovski stands as a towering figurehead in the world of ornamental crystals, there are numerous other examples throughout history that are worth looking into. For example, the use of crystals for ornamental purposes dates back millennia, with civilisations such as the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all adorning their jewellery, crowns, and even clothing with a variety of crystals to signify status, wealth, and divine connection.

Crystals in Ancient Practices

Moving beyond the ornamental, crystals have, for millennia, held deep significance in ancient cultures for their purported mystical and healing properties. Civilisations like the Mayans, Sumerians, and Chinese employed crystals in their ancient rituals, believing them to hold the power to cleanse, heal, protect and more.

For instance, the Ancient Egyptians used malachite for protection, while clear quartz was deemed a source of power and energy in many ancient cultures. These early beliefs form the foundation for the modern crystal healing practices that have witnessed a resurgence in recent years, with crystals being sold everywhere from platforms like Etsy to shops like Urban Outfitters.


What are Crystals Used for Today?

From technology and healthcare to personal well-being and fashion, crystals have seamlessly transitioned from ancient rituals and adornments into modern-day applications, with some popular examples including:


Technology and Timekeeping

The heart of many modern devices beats in sync with the rhythm of crystals; for example, Quartz, especially, has revolutionised the world of timekeeping. Owing to its consistent vibrational frequency, quartz is used in watches and clocks to ensure precise time. Its piezoelectric properties, which produce voltage when mechanical stress is applied, have also found applications in radio technology, helping devices tune into specific frequencies with unmatched accuracy.


Healthcare and Therapeutic Applications

The medical world, too, recognises the immense potential of crystals: ultrasound technology, a cornerstone in contemporary medicine, employs the piezoelectric effect of specific crystals, so that when subjected to electrical stimulation, these crystals release sound waves that can navigate the human body, returning images of our internal organs and systems. This application is crucial in various medical diagnoses and treatments.

Additionally, the therapeutic realm has witnessed a renewed interest in crystal healing; while scientifically contentious, many individuals swear by the positive energies and healing properties of crystals. From alleviating stress with amethyst to channelling love with rose quartz, the modern-day usage of these stones for holistic well-being continues to flourish.


Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle

Beyond the technical and therapeutic, crystals continue to be beloved staples in the world of fashion and beauty. Brands and designers, from haute couture to high street, embellish their creations with crystals, be it Swarovski's dazzle or the subtle charm of natural gemstones. The beauty industry, always eager to innovate, now even integrates crushed crystals into skincare products, claiming benefits ranging from exfoliation to energy balancing. 



How are crystals formed in nature?

Crystals are formed through a process called crystallisation, where atoms or molecules are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure. This can occur in various environments, from cooling magma to evaporating water, and over varying time spans, from mere days to millions of years.


What distinguishes Swarovski crystals from other crystals?

Swarovski crystals are man-made gems renowned for their high precision cuts and brilliant shine. Crafted from a mix of quartz, sand, and minerals, they differ from natural crystals in terms of uniformity, clarity, and often display a rainbow spectrum due to a metallic coating.


How do piezoelectric properties in crystals work?

Piezoelectricity is a property of certain crystals where they generate voltage in response to mechanical stress. When pressure is applied to these crystals, the atomic structure is disturbed, leading to an electric charge. This unique characteristic is harnessed in various technologies, from quartz watches to ultrasound machines.


Are there any scientific studies on crystal healing?

While many individuals believe in the therapeutic energies of crystals, scientific evidence supporting crystal healing remains limited. Most studies in this domain are anecdotal or based on individual experiences. However, the placebo effect and the psychological benefits of belief can play significant roles in perceived outcomes.


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